Configuration file#

To create a SimAIClient instance from a configuration file, you use the from_config() method:

simai = ansys.simai.core.from_config()


If no path is given, the SimAIClient instance looks at default locations. These locations differ according to your operating system.


For UNIX systems, the default locations are, in order:

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ansys_simai.conf

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ansys/simai.conf

  • ~/.ansys_simai.conf

  • ~/.ansys/simai.conf

  • /etc/ansys_simai.conf

  • /etc/ansys/simai.conf


The first location found is used. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME defaults to ~/.config.

Windows XP

  • C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Application Data\Ansys\simai.conf

Windows 7 to 11

  • C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Ansys\simai.conf

Optionally, you can specify the path yourself:

simai = ansys.simai.core.from_config(path="/path/to/my/config")


You write the configuration file in TOML. From this file, you can pass parameters for configuring the SimAIClient instance (see Client configuration).


organization = "company"

username = ""
password = "hunter12"
totp_enabled = true


The SimAIClient instance supports having multiple configurations in a single file through profiles, which are loaded like this:

organization = "company"
workspace = "my-usual-workspace"

organization = "company"
workspace = "some-other-workspace"
project = "red herring"
simai = ansys.simai.core.from_config(profile="alternative")