

class OptimizationDirectory#

Provides a collection of methods related to optimizations.

This class is accessed through client.optimizations.


import ansys.simai.core

simai = ansys.simai.core.from_config()
get(optimization_id: str) Optimization#

Get a specific optimization object from the server.


optimization_id (str) – ID of the optimization.



Return type:


run(geometry_generation_fn: Callable[[...], Path | str | PathLike | Tuple[BinaryIO | RawIOBase | BufferedIOBase | Path | str | PathLike, str]], geometry_parameters: Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]], boundary_conditions: Dict[str, float], n_iters: int, minimize: List[str] | None = None, maximize: List[str] | None = None, outcome_constraints: List[str] | None = None, show_progress: bool = False, workspace: Workspace | str | None = None) List[Dict]#

Run an optimization process.

  • geometry_generation_fn (Callable[[...], Path | str | PathLike | Tuple[BinaryIO | RawIOBase | BufferedIOBase | Path | str | PathLike, str]]) – Function to call to generate a new geometry with the generated parameters. This parameter should return a NamedFile object.

  • geometry_parameters (Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]]) – Name of the geometry parameters and their bounds or possible values (choices).

  • boundary_conditions (Dict[str, float]) – Values of the boundary conditions to perform the optimization at. The values should map to existing boundary conditions in your project/workspace.

  • minimize (List[str] | None) – List of global coefficients to minimize. The global coefficients should map to existing coefficients in your project/workspace.

  • maximize (List[str] | None) – List of global coefficients to maximize. The global coefficients should map to existing coefficients in your project/workspace.

  • outcome_constraints (List[str] | None) –

    List of strings representing a linear inequality constraint on a global coefficient. The outcome constraint should be in the form gc >= x, where:

    • gc is a valid global coefficient name.

    • x is a float bound.

    • The comparison operator is >= or <=.

  • n_iters (int) – Number of iterations of the optimization loop.

  • show_progress (bool) – Whether to print progress on stdout.

  • workspace (Workspace | str | None) – Workspace to run the optimization in. If a workspace is not specified, the default is the configured workspace.


List of dictionaries representing the result of each iteration. when constraints are specified, the list can be shorter than the number of iterations.

Return type:



This is a long-running process and your computer must be powered on to generate the iterations. This method attempts to prevent your computer from sleeping, keeping your computer open during the process.


import ansys.simai.core

# Function takes the parameters
def my_geometry_generation_function(param_a, param_b):
    # Implementation
    return "/path/to/generated/geometry.stl"

simai = ansys.simai.core.from_config(workspace="optimization-workspace")

results = simai.optimizations.run(
        "param_a": {"bounds": (-12.5, 12.5)},
        "param_b": {"choices": (0, 1)},
    boundary_conditions={"VelocityX": 10.5},
    outcome_constraints=["TotalForceX <= 10"],



class Optimization#

Provides the local representation of an optimization definition object.

reload() None#

Refresh the object with its representation from the server.

wait(timeout: float | None = None) bool#

Wait for all jobs concerning the object to either finish or fail.


timeout (float | None) – Maximum amount of time in seconds to wait. The default is None, in means that there is no maximum on the time to wait.


True if the computation has finished, False if the operation timed out.

Return type:


property failure_reason#

Optional message giving the causes for why the creation of the object failed.

See also

property fields: dict#

Dictionary containing the raw object representation.

property has_failed#

Boolean indicating if the creation of the object failed.

property id: str#

ID of the object on the server.

property is_pending#

Boolean indicating if the object is still in creation. The value becomes False once object creation is either successful or has failed.

property is_ready#

Boolean indicating if the object has finished creating without error.


Trial runs are a single step of the optimization process.


class OptimizationTrialRunDirectory#
get(trial_run_id: str)#

Get a specific trial run from the server.


class OptimizationTrialRun#

Provides the local representation of an optimization trial run object.

The optimization trial run is an iteration of the optimization process. Each trial run tests a geometry and returns new parameters for the next geometry to try.

reload() None#

Refresh the object with its representation from the server.

wait(timeout: float | None = None) bool#

Wait for all jobs concerning the object to either finish or fail.


timeout (float | None) – Maximum amount of time in seconds to wait. The default is None, in means that there is no maximum on the time to wait.


True if the computation has finished, False if the operation timed out.

Return type:


property failure_reason#

Optional message giving the causes for why the creation of the object failed.

See also

property fields: dict#

Dictionary containing the raw object representation.

property has_failed#

Boolean indicating if the creation of the object failed.

property id: str#

ID of the object on the server.

property is_pending#

Boolean indicating if the object is still in creation. The value becomes False once object creation is either successful or has failed.

property is_ready#

Boolean indicating if the object has finished creating without error.